Leadership Coaching

Typically, an Educational Executive Coach will work with a leader or a leadership team over the course of 6-12 months in one-to-one bi-weekly environment, focusing on 1-2 identified areas, that if improved upon, will have meaningful impact for the leader and school / district. The areas might encompass a strength the leader would like to expand upon or they might encompass a weakness the leader would like to improve upon.   In this day and age, schools are regularly in the public spotlight and leaders need to be able to reflect, make decisions and weigh positive and negative consequences in a safe, non-evaluative space.  Michael Fullan, an educational leadership expert supports this notion: “in complex, changing times, emotionally intelligent leaders and emotionally intelligent organizations are essential to lead school communities.”

To enable long term success, the coaching will revolve more around a leader’s ability to influence, motivate and lead others.  To initiate a successful coaching engagement an executive coach will meet with the leader, the leader’s supervisor, and together they will determine the focus of the coaching, the roles each individual will play, and the measures of success.  The coaching process is based off of a combination of both executive coaching structures from the John Maxwell Executive Leadership Coaching Framework and from an educational coaching framework called Results Coaching from the Learning Forward national adult learners organization.